miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013
Here we have the link of our ecological sustainabilitys blog. In this blog you can find our job about the entrepreneurship. We think is a good job and we hope you will like it.
martes, 7 de mayo de 2013
Here you have an interactive guide about information on some of the different citizen's rights. In this case, the main right would be the right of mobility. This is, the opportunity of moving around Europe for studying or for working.
think that this link can be an interesting one because it give us
different information about the mobility in Europe.
que este link puede ser interesante porque nos informa sobre los
diferentes aspectos del movimiento en Europa.
ustez link hau interesantea izan daiteke, izan ere, Europari buruzko
informazio desberdinak azaltzen direlako.
this link you can find a guide resources about studying and working
in Europe. Also, you can find some interesting documents.
este link podreis encontrar una guia de recursos sobre estudiar y
trabajar en Europa. Además podreis ver distintos documentos sobre
este tema.
honetan baliabide gida aurki dezakezue Europan ikasi eta lan egiteari
buruz. Hortaz gain, gai honi buruzko dokumentuak aurki ditzazkezue.
you want to study abroad, here we found differents links which
describes differents programmes: The two first are related to young
peole while the third one is for adults.
lo que quieres es estudiar fuera, hemos encontrado diferentes links
relacionados con distintas actividades. Las dos primeras, estan
dedicadas para estudiantes jovenes mientras que la tercera esta
dedicada a adultos.
helburua kanpoan ikastea bada, hemen hiru link ipini ditugu asmo hori
burutzeko. Lehenengo biak ikasle
gazteentzat ipini ditugu eta hirugarrena aldiz, pertsona helduei.
in this link you can find information about an organization called
EPA (European Proyects Association) which has differents activities
about the education in Europe.
este link puedes encontrar informacion sobre una organizacion llamada
EPA donde aparecen distintas actividades para la mejora de la
educacion dentro de Europa.
honetan EPA deituriko erakunde baten informazioa aurki dezakezu,
berarien helburua Europako hezkuntza hobetzea da, eta horretarako
ekintza desberdinak aurki ditzakezu link-ean.
to finish we found this page which shows differents, like grants, to
study abroad just to promote
specialization and training of professionals.
acabar hemos encontrado esta página que nos enseña diferentes
modos, como becas, para estudiar fuera para la mejora de nuestros
web-orri berri bat aurkitu dugu. Bertan, kanpoan ikasteko aukera
desberdinak azaltzen ditu (bekak adibidez) gure profesionalen
lunes, 29 de abril de 2013
Last week, Irish people came from Ireland to have a good time with us. We did a lot of interestings things with them like going to the old part and to the beach. They told us that they enjoyed a lot and that they didn´t want to go back to Ireland. We had a beautiful weather and we also have a good time with them. We hope we will see them someday again, they told us that they were thinking to come in August so we will be eagerly waiting to them.
Last week, Irish people came from Ireland to have a good time with us. We did a lot of interestings things with them like going to the old part and to the beach. They told us that they enjoyed a lot and that they didn´t want to go back to Ireland. We had a beautiful weather and we also have a good time with them. We hope we will see them someday again, they told us that they were thinking to come in August so we will be eagerly waiting to them.
lunes, 8 de abril de 2013
On the 20th of March some of the students of EUNI went to Ireland. The first day was very tiring, we spent about 2 hours in the airport of Biarritz. When we arrived to Dublin all of us were exhausted. After 1 our going by bus, finally we arrived at Wilson Hospital School, near Mullingar. They received us in a very friendly way, so after doing the presentations of ourselves we went to Mullingar. We were very hungry so we went to a fast food restaurant. In the end of the day, we had supper and each one of us went to the partners houses.
Next day, in the morning we did two workshops related with gender and help for africa. It was pourring down, so we had to change our plan and we decided to go to Mullingar again. To finish the day we went to a Bowling where we played bowling for the first time.
On friday, finally we went to Dublin. First we went to an irish history museum. It was quite interesting because we did not know anything about the history. Then we went to the center of Dublin and we spent a bit more than an hour in a department store.
In the last day we went to the cinema to watch a film It was very nice and the english was not a problem to understand it. We had a very good time and we enjoyed a lot. After that, we went home to sleep and the next day we took the flight to Donosti.
martes, 19 de febrero de 2013
For 60 years, UNICEF has been working on
the ground in 190 countries and territories to promote children’s
survival, protection and development. The world’s largest provider
of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health
and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for
all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence,
exploitation, and AIDS.
General Service (GS) staff are locally recruited and provide administrative and support services across all areas of the organization and in all locations.
National Officer (NO) staff are nationals of the country in which they perform functions of a technical and professional nature. National Officers are recruited locally.
Temporary Appointments (TA) are short term assignments for various staff roles and functions across the organization at all levels and categories. The duration of these appointments is typically up to 364 days. Staff members recruited under a temporary appointment modality receive full salary but slightly reduced benefits.
have got a lot of proyects in Africa, related with the children
protection, for example: in Mauritania they helped poor people who
suffer by famine or in Nicaragua they helped people who wanted the
Unicef lend a hand to poor women in Africa who suffer AIDS, to giving
money to build new hospitals or for medical attention.
not all the bad things pass in Africa, in Bolivia for example
will provide water to about 260 families spread over 10 communities /
schools Guaranies.
Emaus & Fair trade
First day:
In the first day, we saw a presentation of the fair trade and Emaus. They explained us interesting things about the different aspects of this company.
They told us that Emaus was a NGO which works for people of underdeveloped countries.
Second day:
In this day, our teacher explained us how a NGO from India, called Tara, works. Also, Xabier told us differents characteristics of India with the help of a nice power point.
He has been three times in India, so he knows how the country works.
Third day:
Last friday, we spoke with a woman from India. We asked her some questions and she spoke us about the NGO Tara.
We think that this activity has been a good idea to understand better how the fair trade works and we have a good time.
jueves, 31 de enero de 2013
martes, 8 de enero de 2013
We went to a friends house to watch a film called The Hobbit. In that moment the film was not in spanish so we decided to watch it in english.
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